
To run the cpp-example from here you need boost, cmake and a C++11 compatible compiler.

Project Structure

The projects consists of two parts: cpp-part and rust-part. The Rust part is compiled as shared library and linked into executable described by CMakeLists.txt. The cpp-part is the main part so its build system (cmake) invokes cargo to build the Rust part.


It is a normal CMake project, so you can build it as an ordinary CMake project. By default it requires C++11 and boost, but if your compiler is modern enough you can use C++17 and then you don't need boost at all.

Just delete all mentions of boost here:

// build.rs
    let cpp_cfg = CppConfig::new(

The main functionality

This project demonstrates how to export Rust in the form of a class to C++.

Rust code:

// src/lib.rs
pub struct Foo {
    data: i32,

impl Foo {
    fn new(val: i32) -> Foo {
        Foo { data: val }

    fn f(&self, a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
        self.data + a + b

    fn set_field(&mut self, v: i32) {
        self.data = v;

Described as class:

// src/cpp_glue.rs.in
use super::{f2, Foo};

foreign_class!(class Foo {
    self_type Foo;
    constructor Foo::new(_: i32) -> Foo;
    fn Foo::set_field(&mut self, _: i32);
    fn Foo::f(&self, _: i32, _: i32) -> i32;
    fn f2(_: i32) -> i32;

Usage from C++:

// main.cpp
    Foo foo(5);
    int res = foo.f(1, 2);